
Read what our customers have to say

Robbie P.

Buchu Store

"Trexler Financial Services was very helpful when we were setting up the books for our new business. All of our questions were answered in a professional and timely manner. Would highly recommend them."

Leslie V.

Thumbtack review

"Nicole did a great job for us.  We appreciate her hard work."

Rosa Peterson

Thumbtack review

"Trexler Financial Services is an incredible business to work with. Knowledgeable, professional and efficient.  TFS has taken what would otherwise be a difficult and complex undertaking and made it easy to understand. I cannot thank TFS enough for all they do!"

Alisha H.

Thumbtack review

"Nicole was so helpful and really maximized my return. I highly recommend her services."

Battle IT Solutions

Google review

"We use TFS for all of our financial needs and it has been a pleasure working with them. I highly recommend them. "

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